
To Twatlight I say Pish posh and apple shosh!

Robert Pattinson is a mystical movie man$lut. He seems to have a fetish for playing supernatural pretty boys in whimsical cinematic productions.

Cedric Diggory (Harry Potter) and now, Edward Cullen are just two idenitites he has portrayed on the silver screen. Nowadays, tween girls and their mothers are going batshit over these lifesucking literary works of crap known as the Twilight saga. One by one, our close companions and neighbors alike are voluntarily reading this phenomenon and getting hooked like crack. And from countless PSA's from the 80s, we all know crack is wack.

Friendships are being torn apart. Speaking for myself (Laura) I've lost three friends to Stephanie Meyer. And for I, (Annam) I have lost my dignity after I willingly purchased a movie ticket to witness this epic failure come to life.
Basic summary: stupid girl named Bella becomes utterly ~*dazzled*~by a wild ride known as Edward, the most beautiful vampire on earth. And if that doesnt do enough to render you in a zombie like state, watching these two waltz around town without a care in the world besides their eternal "true love" will, quite frankly, make you want to punch someone right in the schnoz.

Oh, Rpattz, you vampiric pale lad, you're just adding to this rabid hysteria. Sadly, the books are selling faster than you can write "Bite me, Edward" on your neck. And there is already another movie headed our way which will only make it worse.

Our theory is that young'n's dont have anything else to turn to but thoughtless rubbish such as the aforementioned, created just for their gullible minds. Twatlight, twirplight, whatever your name is...for PETE'S SAKE, scram already!

Pete Mullin, as mentioned above. His disdain for Twilight is apparent from the visibly solemn expression on his face.

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