1- if _____ jumped off a bridge, would you?
first off all, If you say this to someone, what you are really trying to say is "stop copying whatever so-and so does". For example, Lets say my friend, Jimmy is going swimming with sharks, and I want to go too, and you say the "jump off a bridge" thing to me, If I am copying or following the lead of Jimmy, there must be a good reason why. Jimmy must make good choices in life for me to want to imitate them. Its not like Jimmy is insane, because then your just implying that im insane as well and thats just not nice or true. But more importantly, WHY exactly would Jimmy jump off a bridge? If he makes brilliant decisions in life for me to want to be like him, then there must be a damn good reason he is jumping off that bridge! Did you consider a misguided North Korean missle could be headed towards that bridge? Or what about a loose space craft piece flying towards said bridge? Maybe there are wild rabid dogs running toward you from all directions of that bridge? Did ya just think about that for a sec, DID YOU!? I thought so. So naturally, hoping there's a nice gentle flowing river under that bridge, deep enough for me to jump in without getting squashed, the idea of jumping from a bridge seems safe, sound, and logical. And even if all those catastrophies werent heading towards me on that bridge, whats wrong with a nice dive every now and then to cool off from the stress life hands you?
2 - when life hands you lemons make lemonade.
everyone has to have heard this at least once in their life. what it basically means is to make the best out of what life gives you. when someone says this to you, it truly is a test of ones control . its very hard to try and hold back and not punch them in the face really hard. if something bad happens to me in my life the last thing i want is for someone to tell me to make lemonade with a stupid grin on their face. example: Karens house burned to the ground along with everything she owned. Sally walks up and puts an arm around Karens shoulder and says "Its going to be okay..... Hey! When life hands you lemons make lemondade sweetie." Karen never talks to Sally again. In conclusion, please stop saying this.
off topic a little but personally im not even a fan of lemonade. on a hot summer day i prefer some refreshing kool aid.
3. "Dont throw the baby out with the water"
found this gem on clichesite.com. Its safe to say I've never heard this before in my life. What it means though is we dont want to throw out the good stuff out when we throw out the bad stuff. Im going to leave this one alone.
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